As part of a long-term plan for housing, the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities have recently committed to a new era of regeneration, inner-city densification, and housing delivery across England. This includes the reuse of existing buildings and spaces for new purposes, and redeveloping brownfield sites. This brings with it challenges in terms of impacts to cultural heritage and archaeology in the form of listed buildings and historic sites within our urban centres and townscapes.
Heritage Statements and Impact Assessments can help to negotiate the constraints of archaeology both below and above the ground. Eden Heritage Ltd has expertise in both urban and rural environments and can assist in meeting planning requirements relating to cultural heritage. We have recently provided support to urban developments in Carlisle, Lancaster, and Newcastle, in addition to rural developments across Cumbria and the North of England. Please get in touch for a free quotation if we can assist with your planning application or development.
There are many types of development projects that can benefit from geophysical survey, including housing and commercial developments, road construction projects, mineral extraction sites, pipeline projects and renewable developments, such as wind and solar farms. In the long term undertaking a survey can save both time and money for developers in all sectors by reducing the risk of unexpected discoveries on a site. It can be especially effective if completed in combination with a constraints report or desk-based assessment.
Eden Heritage has extensive experience of geophysical survey where it is often required to support planning applications or to inform master planning. It is particularly suitable for greenfield development sites to identify the locations of potential 'hidden' buried archaeological remains and can often be used to reduce the requirement for more costly archaeological trenches or excavations.
• Early identification of archaeology
• Rapid & inexpensive method
• Non-invasive, low-impact survey
• Detects a wide range of features
• Can provide a ‘map’ showing buried archaeology & other features
Could a geophysical survey help provide information about your development site? Contact us for further information or a quotation for a geophysical survey
Now that the Lake District has been designated a World Heritage Site, planned development needs to be carefully considered in terms of balancing development requirements against the conservation of heritage and archaeology, in order to ensure that the park’s unique status is preserved for the future.
Since the introduction of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) there has been a greater need to consider the impact of proposed new developments on heritage and archaeology in the UK. A Heritage Statement or Heritage Impact Assessment is often required to accompany a planning application in order to provide sufficient information to allow the Local Planning Authority to determine the application. The potential impacts on heritage significance need to be assessed for all designated heritage assets (e.g. listed buildings, scheduled monuments or conservation areas) and non-designated sites, including archaeological sites recorded in the Historic Environment Record (HER) and locally-listed buildings.
In the Lake District there is now also a need to examine the possible impact of a proposed development on the Outstanding Universal Values of the World Heritage Site. This will usually involve a search of records and archives held for a locality, including historic maps and documents, and a site visit to identify the nature and significance of any physical remains. The potential visual impacts of a proposed development, including changes to setting and possible impacts to Outstanding Universal Values, will also need to be assessed.
Each development site provides unique challenges in terms of meeting the needs of heritage and archaeology whilst also supporting new developments, but a professional heritage assessment can also help in terms of reducing impacts by feeding back into the design process. Eden Heritage looks forward to assisting our clients with their future projects.